Thank you for visiting our parish website. At OLP we wish to extend to friends and neighbors and to visitors and strangers a warm and sincere welcome. For more than sixty years the Catholic faithful have gathered here in worship and fellowship under the patronage of Our Lady to fulfill the Lord’s mission to His faithful people. As you visit our website, we hope that you not only discover the information you seek, but you are drawn by our invitation to join us.
If you are visitors to our area, we are honored by your presence at the Eucharist. If you are a resident searching for a home church, we hope that you will allow us to open our doors to you that you may find a place of faith and friendship.
At Our Lady of Providence, I am excited to be joining you as your pastor and I am filled with much hope and joy as I look forward to being with you in the future ahead. I know that Fr. Paul Niemann shares in this excitement and joy, too, as he looks forward to his future here at OLP. I look forward to what God has in store for us as we work together in living our Catholic faith and sharing the Good News with all those before us.
The schedule of Masses at OLP will remain the same as before. The OLP rectory will continue to serve as the office for OLP parish, although Father Niemann and I will live at Annunciation rectory. You can reach us at 314-962-5955 for anything you might need. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.
In the loving care of Our Lady,
Father Mike Esswein, Pastor
Fr. Paul Niemann, Associate Pastor
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